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2007/12/4 13:57:11 来源:商务英语精品课程辅导连载UNIT10
Unit 1
Skills for Writing Memorandums

Section 1: How to Write Memorandums
Memorandums or memos are business messages, which transmit information to those within a company. They are used for many of the same purposes for which business letters are used.
The format for memos varies from company to company. However, all memos, regardless of format, include the following five guide words:
(1) Memorandum or Memo, or Interoffice Memorandum.
(2) Date.
(3) To: (shows the name of the person who will receive the message. The receiver's job title is often included.)
(4) From: (shows the name of the writer of the message.)
(5) Subject: tells the topic of the memo. It should be clear, concise and complete.
Some companies use the designation Re: (regarding) instead of Subject.
Some companies purchase or print their own memorandum stationary with the five guide words mentioned above. This saves the writer some time when preparing memos.
Memos usually serve the following purposes:
(1) Give instructions or notify events which occurred.
(2) Seek information.
(3) Offer ideas and suggestions.

Sample 1: Request Memorandums
Date: 28 June1995
To: All Training Personnel
From: R. Markham
Head, Training Department
Subject: Providing Clear, Complete Instructions
It has come to my attention that new employees are not performing their jobs satisfactorily. This is the fault of the trainer, not the trainee. You should give clear, complete instructions.
Please follow these guidelines:
1. Give an overview of the task. Make sure the task is understood.
2. Describe each step in order.
3. Describe each step thoroughly.
4. Ask questions at each step. Do NOT ask: Do you understand? Ask: How do we begin? What do we do next? etc.
5. Have trainees repeat the instructions.
Answer the Following Questions
1. What is the aim of this request memo?
2. How is the request memo arranged?
Words and Phrases
1. Subject: Re:
e.g. Subject: Operating Instructions for New Coping Machines
2. come to one’s attention: draw one’s attention
e.g. It has come to my attention that the stationary is running out very soon.
3. perform: do, carry out
e.g. We are to perform an experiment in the next class.
4. instruction: the act of instructing, teaching
e.g. He is not yet instructed, but still under instructions.
5. overview: whole idea
e.g. Give them an overview of the assignment.
To: All members of staff, Northern Branch
From: K.L.J.
Date: 5 December 1994
Subject: Personal Computers
The board urgently requires feedback on our experience with PCs in Northern Branch. I need to know, for my report:
1. What you personally use your PC for and your reasons for doing this. If you are doing working that was formerly done by other staff, please justify this.
2. What software you use. Please name the programs.
3. How many hours per day you spend actually using it.
4. How your PC has not come up to your expectations.
5. What unanticipated uses you have found for your PC, that others may want to share.
Please fax this information directly to me by 5 p.m. on Wednesday 7 December. If you have any queries, please contact my assistant, Jane Simmonds, who will be visiting you on Tuesday, 6 December. Thank you for your help.
Answer the Following Questions
1. What is the main point of the memo?
2. What is the secondary idea?
Words and Phrases
1. board: committee or association of company directors
e.g. He has been elected to the board of a new company.
2. feedback: information about the results of a set of actions, passed back to the person in charge, so that changes can be made if necessary
e.g. The company welcomes feedback from the people who uses the goods it produces.
3. justify: give a good reason for
e.g. How can you justify your rude behavior?
4. come up to: equal
e.g. Your recent work hasn’t come up to your earlier standards.
5. queries: questions or doubts
e.g. Please let me know if you should have any query.
Sample 2: Instruction Memorandums
To: All employees of Carson Bank
From: Robert Dickinson, President RD
Date: June 20, 2003
Subject: Instructions for New Safes Ten new safes have been installed in the offices to replace the old ones. To avoid any troubles, please follow the booklet of directions.
Please contact me if you have any questions.

Answer the Following Questions
1. What is the object of the instruction memo?
2. What are the style and the tone of the instruction memo?
Words and Phrases
1. install: set (an apparatus) up, ready for use
e.g. I won’t have oil heating installed.
2. booklet: a small book, usu. with a paper cover
e.g. Do you have a booklet of instructions for operating the computer?
3. direction: order or instructions
e.g. I couldn’t understand the directions.
4. contact: get in touch with sb
e.g. We’ll contact you by telephone.
5. president: head of a company
e.g. The president presides over the board of directors in this company.
Sample 3: Announcement Memo
Internal Memo
To: All Branches
From: Sales Manager
Date: 26 November 1999
Tour 3543----New Carrier
1. We have found a new carrier for Tour 3543. This is DTL Aviation Company.
2. All clients who still want to take this holiday must reconfirm their bookings as soon as possible.
3. They must also check in at Gatwick Airport by 0825 on the day of departure.
4. Please write to all agencies and tell them all.

Answer the Following Questions
1. What does the announcement memo provide?
2. How does the writer arrange the information?
Words and Phrases
1. internal: of or in the inside
e.g. The large organizations were forced to change their internal structure.
2. carrier: a business that carries passengers from one place to another for payment
e.g. This airline is one of America’s biggest international carriers.
3. reconfirm: make certain again
e.g. You’ll have to reconfirm the telephone message in writing.
4. check in: report one’s arrival as at an airport, etc.
e.g. You’d better check in at the airport an hour earlier before the plane takes off.
5. agency: office or person who represents a business
e.g. The firm has many agencies in the world.

Section 2: Guide for Writing Memoranda
Rules for Writing Memoranda
Writing memoranda is different from writing letters, for they have different purposes. Therefore writing memoranda has its special requirements and rules.
1. No normal greetings
Because it is a kind of internal correspondence, it is unnecessary to have the normal greetings, courtesy indications and concluding remarks found in external correspondence. The author should pay more attention to conciseness, to express himself as clearly as possible.
2. Clear subject headings
There should be a clear subject heading stating what the memorandum is about. In addition, there must be an indication about the name of the recipient and also the sender's name. Sometimes it is necessary to mention the position of both the sender and the recipient.
3. Direct indication of the situation discussed
In the first paragraph, the writer must introduce briefly about the situation discussed. Or if it serves as a reply to a recipient's request, a statement must be made suggesting the reference number, e.g. Your reference: A/55 of 3rd May, 20...
4. One point, one paragraph
Each paragraph should discuss only one aspect of the subject considered in the memorandum. Do not put more than one point or more than one topic in one paragraph.
5. Numbering each paragraph clearly
This allows the numbered paragraphs to be referred to in the following paragraph. And at the same time, the numbered paragraphs imp
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